Monday, November 09, 2015

let you know

Hello, assalamualaikum.
Since I am a new beginner in my new hobby (blogging), I think I should introduce myself so that you can know me better, hihihi.

Name: j.lo ^-^
Birth date: Seventeen-October
Fact: Actually I've been blogging since 2013 but I only blog for fun and recently deleted my blogs account, haha. Starting this year, I really interesting in blogging, again, and become more serious in this hobby so I decided to make a new account and concentrate on it.
Blog's birth date: So, One-November 2015 is the birth date of this blog which is my carrier has been started, wuu. (sounds like a diva)
Hobbies: I have a lot of hobbies such as painting, art-ing, decorating, DIY-ing & so on. My interest is more to art. I'm am not too pro in this hobbies, but I love to try. Oh-oh, I also love to cook. I love to try new recipes in cooking. I really love to read. I love poems.
                      Well, it seems I have a lots of love, hihi.

I've a lot to share but if you want to know more about me, keep visiting my blog or you can also ask me here
Anything, in shaa Allah I will answer!

thankyou for spending your time,
Lets spread the love!

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Izzat Azhar buat Review Blog

Hai, assalamualaikum. 

Contest: "Izzat Azhar buat Review Blog"

Entry pertama, contest pertama; excited!
Disebabkan blog masih dalam peringkat junior paling terbawah, terus terdetik nak join. Dalam masa yang sama, excited jugak. Tak kisah apa pun award yang dapat kalau menang contest ni. Sekurang-kurangnya ada juga langkah yang dibuat untuk memajukan blog ni; dunia baru yang aku ceburi.

Klik pada gambar banner untuk join contest! Lagi ramai lagi bagus!

"Hello November, let's create our memories in this special month."

Monday, November 02, 2015

first note

"Why making du'a for 
someone important?"

You held somebody
in your du'a.
As a prove you love
them enough to put
them in Allah care.